Running marketing campaigns is an essential component to a successful business, as these campaigns will draw in more customers, increase brand loyalty, and build your reputation as more businesses in your industry take note of what you’re doing. Conducting successful marketing tactics isn’t an easy task though. There’s a reason that many businesses employ dedicated marketing departments as poor campaigns and low-quality social media management can very quickly break a company in the contemporary world. Here, we’re going to discuss some of the most important things to think about when running your marketing campaigns so that you can reduce the chance of deploying a poorly thought-out plan.

Assess Your Budget
It’s common for marketing to cost more than you initially expected. To prevent any shocking developments, first you’ll want to identify exactly what you may need to spend money on. Will you need to hire any new team members? Are you going to require freelancers or agency assistance? These considerations on top of the costs of marketing materials for example can really add up. Once you’ve decided on exactly what you’re going to need, set your budget and try to stick to it.  

What Do You Expect To Gain?
Marketing your products are services is unavoidable if you want to be a competitive business today. However, there are a few different reasons as to why you’re doing this. It’s so important to know exactly what you intend to gain from these campaigns so that you can effectively deliver them as well as analyse the success of those projects. You might be looking to boost your industry reputation or generate more leads to boost your sales. Whatever your reasoning, make sure you have a good idea of your goal so that you can identify the success rate of these campaigns and change them accordingly if they’re not working. 

Generating Quality Leads
You may have heard of this term quite a few times before, and you may be unsure exactly what it means. Simply put, lead generation is the act of converting your target audience members into active buyers or users of your services. Once someone has shown a level of interest in your business, you’ll want to secure their custom. There are many different ways in conducting a lead generation campaign, and one method in particular that is gaining popularity is by using direct mail. When sending emails out to people for example, the chances are, they’ve already supplied you with that email address and are therefore already interested in what you have to offer. With social media marketing, there’s a lot of wasted attention when people that would never buy your products or use your services see your adverts on the social media feeds. Direct mail is much more targeted and can be a great way of bringing in potential customers that haven’t necessarily seen your business yet.

What Platforms Are You Using?
Sometimes it’s a good idea to utilize multiple different platforms when conducting your marketing campaigns. Of course, this still depends on exactly what you’re running this campaign for as well as who your target audience is. It’s worth identifying exactly who you want to see your posts and marketing materials and then decide on which platform you’ll want to use. Instagram, Facebook, and even Tik Tok are used heavily in marketing, and all of them are more suited to different demographics, and also support different types of content too. It’s okay to leave out certain platforms if you don’t think you’ll get much response from it. It’s better to not post to a particular platform at all rather than risk people seeing your post getting very little engagement.

Decide On Which Content To Use
Similar to choosing which platforms to run your campaign on, you’ll want to have a good idea as to what content you’ll need to create. Instagram for example is very image-heavy so avoid graphics and images with overwhelming amounts of text and information on them. Subtlety is key here, so be careful with what you post. Another example would be Tik Tok, which is being used much more by marketers looking to target younger demographics. Videos on this platform tend to be humorous and it’s very easy for a user to skip past adverts that they’re not interested in, even if it’s something that would be relevant to them. Content needs to grab attention instantly to generate leads and keeping that attention requires a level of entertainment which isn’t easy to synthesize. 

Who Do You Need In Your Team?
Due to the constantly changing environment of entertainment and advertising, content creators are an incredibly valuable asset to your team. Marketing professionals and designers are incredibly useful but today, more and more businesses are hiring dedicated content creators or working with influencers and freelancers to promote their products and services without being scoffed at by audiences for forcing content like this. The world of marketing, content, and advertising is ever-changing, so it’s important you keep your team as up to date as possible.

Author Profile

Kenneth Holmes
Kenneth Holmes
Linda’s right hand, Kenneth has been working with Linda for years, helping in planning, managing, and editing projects.


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